In Search of Paradise (Adventures series Book 1)
Struggling to find Paradise, three friends embark on a miraculous journey. One member of the trio, Henry Shepherd, is missing. His fiancée, Dr. Kathleen McGregor, solicits the legendary Dr. Andrew Rogers to help her find their mutual friend. While meeting for the first time, these two struggle to remain faithful to Henry while enduring the hardships caused by their journey through the Middle East. Thought to be somewhere between Iraq and Kuwait, The Garden of Eden is believe to contain Paradise. Once that spot is located, they are certain Henry will be there. But insurmountable obstacles lay in the way. Some of those impasses are from this earth, others are not. You will be moved with compassion as the power of friendship leads to acts of kindness, faithfulness, determination, and finally the ultimate of all sacrifices. An intriguing biblical thriller: by Midwest Book Review Humanity was rejected from the garden of Eden, forever cast from paradise. “In Search of Paradise” is a story of two doctors who go on a journey through the Middle East in search of their friend and fiancé. They are led to believe he is lost in the Garden of Eden, but there is no certainty exactly where that it. To find their lost comrades, they must find what has been lost to mankind for millennia. “In Search of Paradise” is an intriguing biblical thriller, sure to entertain many a reader.