The Fountain of Youth (Adventures series Book 8)
Dr. Andrew Rogers and his wife, Dr. Kathleen McGregor are at it again. This time they are forced to make a decision within minutes. The task? Help their prized protégés consisting of seven young damsels conquer the deep blue seas. The beautiful young women have taken on the challenge of following the historic voyage of Ponce de Leon and locate the elusive fountain of youth. So, that shouldn’t be too difficult, should it? After all, it is documented that Juan Ponce de Leon began his journey by setting sail from Puerto Rico on March 3rd, 1513, in search of treasures. About a month later on April 2nd, he and his crew landed in St. Augustine, Florida – now considered the oldest city in the United States. But, what happened between those two important dates? You are about to find out! But, be prepared to battle the perils of the Atlantic, dodge cannonballs, be chased by pirates – all while hoping to win a race against your own crew. Yes! Mutiny has occurred aboard the Santa Maria II, and we need your help in putting it down. Watch as the scenes unfold right before your every eyes. Comes sail with us if you dare. The voyage is about to leave. So, climb aboard. But, don’t take too long. We are about to set sail.