121 Oak Street
A mystery has been discovered at 121 Oak Street. This secret has been harbored for more than eighty years, and its exposure is about to have a profound effect upon the entire community. The story begins under an old oak tree in a normal setting much like any you would see. An elderly gentleman with snow white hair, wearing a flannel shirt and khaki pants, sits in a rocker as he transforms his front porch into a theatre. But, this is not just any theatre, for its audience travels back in time. Not only do they hear the stories, they live them, feel them, and sense all the emotions connected with the experience. In the beginning it seems there is a lonely old man who needs someone to listen to him. However, as the tales come to life, it is the audience who needs the kind gentleman. As they beg for more, the wise old man says, “If you want to hear more, you’ll have to come back next Saturday at one o’clock. If I am able, I will be right here in my rocker.” The crowds grow and grow. Now not only are the children fascinated and wanting more, the parents eagerly anticipate the end of the story. Finally the much anticipated day arrives for the secret of 121 Oak Street to be revealed. Why not join us as the mystery unfolds? You will be glad you did, and that’s a promise.