Millions of people are convinced that the day of the Zombies is real. Some have even sought survival guides to prepare for the rising of the undead. Yet, what you are about to learn changes all the rules. A beautiful young lady named Angelica quickly makes her presence known in Dr. Blanchard’s classroom at the prestigious Amherst University. Ironically this is the home state for the infamous Salem witch trials, and thus begins the saga. Angelica is befriended by a young man named Michael who is also a student at the university. Immediately these three people realize there is a reason for their meeting. Fate has brought them together, and now they must figure out why. Without warning these brave companions are suddenly cast into a battle of momentous proportions. Beginning with an innocent study of witches, the three have uncovered a sinister plot by powerful evil forces to destroy the world. Unknowingly that plan is already in motion and if not stopped will lead to the rising of the dead. That’s easier said than done. Soon these mindless creatures are taking over the lives of innocent people until finally there is only a handful left. Who is this Angelica and can she save the human race from total extinction? Before long we find that Michael also has a past. The present needs him or there will be no future. Yet, there is no doubt about it, the day of the undead has arrived and everywhere they look there are ZOMBIES!
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5.0 out of 5 stars Don't let the TITLE, Stop you. Great Book...
I see the title and thought oh no! They swamp tv with movies of zombies, I shudder every time I see one, Then I watched a documentary where our military has been doing this for many years, sad to say. On the other hand, I found your book quite enjoyable. Looking forward to seeing what you bring next.